Monday, May 23, 2011

The Story of the Heavy Weights

This weekend i went to the Desert to shoot a wedding but this one of one of the most beautiful one i ever shot.. and i would like to share this happy story with you:

On the door of the Korakia, if you look hard enough, you will find a black cardboard circle. A memento of sorts, It is a coaster that jason found at his lowest moment, just over three years ago. Heartbroken and penniless, sitting in Houlihan’s bar in NewYork’s Penn’s station, this cheap coaster was served to him which the moisture from his not-so-cheap mug of beer. The words on the coaster mocked his suffering with their prophetic inscription: “I FEEL AS THOUGH A HEAVY WEIGHT HAS BEEN LIFTED FROM ME.” While most people understood that the “Heavy Weight” merely referred to the weight of the beer resting on the coaster, Jason mistook it for something deeper and altogether profounder: The weight of grief and isolation, the weight of expectations and desperations, the weight of a life as of yet unfulfilled. So moved by this coaster, Jason placed it up on his bedroom wall, as an inspiration that somehow, someday, things will get better. That somehow, someday, that heavy weight might finally be lifted. that someday, he might stand in front of a woman of transcendent grace standing by his side. That somehow someday today would finally be. And little did he know that a the exact same time, a young woman of transcendent grace was struggling to free herself from her own heavy weight. Step by step, Meghan began to lighten her load of past promises broken, of past promises broken, of past dreams undone, of past journeys unfulfilled. And now she and he stand side by side, embarking on a new journey with you today. A Journey fuelled by your powerful support. So the next find yourself in the bowels of despair, or at the least in the bowels of Penn Station, have yourself a cold one on us, and remember our journey as we toast you from a now brighter road, walking together with our now lighter load.

Meghan and Jason

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